Nick & Liz

Nick & Liz
Our Religion(s)

Christian - Non-denominational N/A

Race of child interested in adopting:

Caucasian, Hispanic, Caucasian/Hispanic, Caucasian/Asian, Caucasian/African American

Dear Birthmother

Dear Expectant Mother,

We understand you have a difficult decision to make as you are entrusting the care of your child to someone else. As you make that decision, we are sending you love and light and the reassurance that you will find the right adoptive parents for this child. We are so hopeful it’s us!

Both of us come from large extended families and enjoy spending time with them and our friends, whether on vacations, holidays, or just because. We also love being active, traveling, and trying new things, and we would feel so blessed to have a child with whom we could share those experiences as well as our family and friendships. We both believe in giving our future child the love and support of our community and family.

We are so grateful to you for considering us and for the work you are doing to bring a life into this world. We want you to know that if we are fortunate enough to be selected by you, we will do our utmost to ensure your child is raised in a loving, safe environment. In addition, we will make sure they have every opportunity to learn and grow as a human being and follow their dreams, whatever they may be.

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About Us

Hi! Our names are Nick and Liz, and we live with our eleven-year-old black Lab named Barkley. We’ve been married for 14 years and together for 16. Nick works for the government, and Liz works as a lawyer for a company. We both love walking around the city and reading books. We also love traveling and finding new experiences. Nick is an avid basketball fan, rooting for the Wizards and Penn State. Liz loves learning things about plants and flowers and tries to find a new flower or tree to photograph most days.

What Led Us To Adoption

We aren’t able to have a biological child, but we want to be parents very badly. We have worked hard to build a good life for ourselves in a wonderful home and city and want to share that life with a child to make our family complete. We want to help our child live up to their full potential and raise a kind, empathetic, and thoughtful human being. We can’t wait to become parents and pour all our love onto a child.

Our Home


We live in Washington, DC. in an old Victorian row home that has great beauty and character. There are 3 elementary schools in our neighborhood, 2 middle schools and a few playgrounds as well. Our dog Barkley loves saying hi to the kids! Our neighborhood is so special because it’s filled with families, great parks and history. Nearby, there are tons of attractions for families like the National Zoo and the Smithsonian Museums which we love to go to with our friends and family when they are in town.

Our Family

Extended Family

We both have fairly large extended families. Nick’s mom is one of six children, so he has many, many cousins. In addition, Nick has two siblings who have a total of five children between them: four girls and one boy. We love hanging with our nieces and nephews!

Liz has five siblings and also has a lot of cousins we see on a fairly regular basis. Liz’s family has a tradition of getting together every February. We go to Vermont to ski and spend time with extended family, which seems to be getting bigger all the time.

Contact Nick & Liz

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